Translated from the Spanish by Daniel Borzutzky(Action Books, paperback)
Publication Date: April 15, 2015
Publisher Marketing:Poetry. Latino/Latina Studies. Bilingual Edition. “In Zurita’s writing, these are the realities of a contaminated, homicidal nation. The shame of the political has been absorbed by the natural. The blood and the bodies of the disappeared, now scattered throughout the landscape, have become part of the homeland, the Chilean soil. It’s a rhetoric of shame, of loss, of unquantifiable and unspeakable violence.”Daniel Borzutzky
“The great examples of the investigation, shaping, and liberation of affect, not least militancy, continue to lie elsewhere, in Rimbaud, Vallejo, Cesaire, and more recently Ral Zurita, among numerous others.”Cal Bedient
“This is a song of the massacred, the destroyed and disappeared during Chilean President Pinochet’s era of tyranny how can this be if the dismembered, burned and slashed cannot speak? Zurita pulls it out of his body, his day by day, his furnace by furnace mouth, his barracks by barracks and bombs by bombs rebel notary ledger. It is a collection of planks, that is, jagged samples of bone shards, splinters of barrack and tangles of wire, low tremolos of shrieks lingering, blood streams, body-sticks, warehouse and camp whispered love journals before the crematorium and time-space shafts intersecting the death ship Chile-Nagasaki-Auschwitz still in the liminoid edge of our present storms. With the eye and timbre of Rodnoti, Neruda, Bombal and Wiesel, Zurita, through Borzutzky’s masterful translation, hurls himself at our comfort culture barricades. He wants “awakening”in spite of the multiple chambers of horrors suffered by innocent peoples, mountains and seas”There were millions of planets being born there.” And Zurita is oneand this book is thousands. Plank by plank, line by line, this is an inspiring, major work in translation in our post 9-11 era of always-war and terror. Heal with it.”Juan Felipe Herrera
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