Edited by Joshua Beckman, CAConrad & Robert Dewhurst. Wave Books (paperback, 2015)
Publisher Marketing:Supplication: Selected Poems of John Wienersgathers work by one of the most significant poets of the Black Mountain and Beat generation. Includes poems that have previously never been published, the full text of the 1958 edition of his influentialThe Hotel Wentley Poems, plus poems from rare sources, facsimiles, notes, and collages by Wieners. An invaluable collection for new and old fans.
“There is no doubt in my mind or in anyone’s mind who knows these poems well that they are major American poetry and will be in anthologies for one hundred years, I mean that good.”–Allen Ginsberg
“A graceful rigor seems to be Wieners’ natural mode; we feel the force of deliberation in his most free forms–he is never casual. The grace is miraculous, for he aims at intensities, by orders that shape and then restrict feeling to the ardent.”–Robert Duncan
“What moves us is not the darkness of the world in which the poems were written by the pity and terror and joy that is beauty in the poems themselves. . . . In Wieners the glamor is in the word-music itself.”–Denise Levertov
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