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Stein, Gertrude: Tender Buttons: The Corrected Centennial Edition

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SKU: MCB492465238 Category:
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City Lights Publishers (paperback, 2014)

Publisher Marketing: The MLA Committee on Scholarly Editions has awardedTender Buttons: The Corrected Centennial Editionits seal designating it an MLA Approved Edition.

2014 marks the one hundredth anniversary of the original publication of Gertrude Stein’s groundbreaking modernist classic,Tender Buttons. This centennial edition is the first and only version to incorporate Stein’s own handwritten corrections–found in a first-edition copy at the University of Colorado–as well as corrections discovered among her papers at the Beinecke Library at Yale University. Editor Seth Perlow has assembled a text with over one hundred emendations, resulting in the first version ofTender Buttonsthat truly reflects its author’s intentions. These changes are detailed in Perlow’s “Note on the Text,” which describes the editorial process and lists the specific variants for the benefit of future scholars. The book includes facsimile images of some of Stein’s handwritten edits and lists of corrections, as well as an afterword by noted contemporary poet and scholar Juliana Spahr. A compact, attractive edition suitable for general readers as well as scholars,Tender Buttons: The Corrected Centennial Editionis unique among the available versions of this classic text and is destined to become the standard.


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