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Silliman, Ron: Revelator

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Revelatorby Ron Silliman (Bookthug, paperback)

Publication Date: October 1, 2013

Publisher Marketing:Poetry. “Revelator” is the opening poem in a major sequence entitledUniverse. It’s the jumping off point for a work that, were Ron Silliman to live long enough, would take him three centuries to complete. We are hopeful.Universeis a poem of globalization and post-global poetics (an important reason for publishing this key section outside of the USA). At its core, it addresses the problem that there are only two global systems: the biosphere and capital, while every response to these global systems is invariably local. The first appearance of “Revelator” in a journal won Poetry’s Levinson prize, previously given to poets such as Robert Creeley, Theodore Roethke, Geoffrey Hill, John Ashbery, Robert Duncan, Basil Bunting, William Carlos Williams, Dylan Thomas, Hart Crane, Robert Frost, and Wallace Stevens.

“Called a ‘thaumaturge’ (‘wonder-worker’) by the poet Robert Duncan, Silliman has created a new kind of writing from the simplest materials … The poet confides, describes, extols, remarks, puns, paints domestic scenes, slyly alludes, records minutiae, leaps to large statements, arouses, repeats. Through it all, a friendly, northern California sort of personality emerges.”David Melnick

“What I find most striking about Silliman’s sentences is that they’re fun; they give pleasure in many different ways, through their wit, their allusiveness, their visuality, their phonetic texture, their descriptive precision, or their sheer unlikeliness.”Roger Gilbert

“Of all the language poets, Silliman’s express-line writing was and is the one that stuck to my ribs. It was so thingy, so specific, so formally radical, so hard-headed, yet witty, and now and then, in spite of itself, lyric. I liked his post-industrial music. I loved ketjak and tjanting and paradise … And the reachthe compulsion to pull everything in.”C.D. Wright


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