Brother to Brother: New Writing by Black Gay MenEdited by Essex Hemphill (RedBone Press, paperback)
Publication Date: March 1, 2007
Publisher Marketing:Literary Nonfiction. African American Studies. LGBT Studies. Winner of a Lambda Literary Award. BROTHER TO BROTHER, begun by Joseph Beam and completed by Essex Hemphill after Beam’s death in 1988, is a collection of now-classic literary work by black gay male writers. Originally published in 1991 and out of print for several years, BROTHER TO BROTHER “is a community of voices,” Hemphill writes. “[It] tells a story that laughs and cries and sings and celebrates…it’s a conversation intimate friends share for hours. These are truly words mined syllable by syllable from the harts of black gay men. You’re invited to listen in because you’re family, and these aren’t secrets-not to us, so why should they be secrets to you? Just listen. Your brother is speaking.” This new edition includes an introduction by Jafari Allen.
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