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Garcia, Armando Jaramillo: The Portable Man

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The Portable Manby Armando Jaramillo Garcia (PreludeBooks,paperback)

Publication Date: March 1, 2017

Publisher Marketing:Poetry. “‘We are a strange people,’ writes Armando Jaramillo Garcia in his much-anticipated debut, THE PORTABLE MAN, whose poems assert their human oddity with rightful confidence and a maestro’s finesse. Lucid, loopy, and committed to giving voice to the ‘persecuted princes and imperious imps’ in all of us, this is a stunning and distinctive collection that pushes back againstand thrives underthe threat of homogeneity and oppression.”Timothy Donnelly

“THE PORTABLE MAN moves with a kind of forensic exposure of the inner-makings of the world. Guided by a restlessness that projects the possibility of cosmic intervention, these individual poems collide to create something grander, akin to a weather system.” Paige Taggart

“Jaramillo Garcia’s THE PORTABLE MAN is a pool of life-substance. When confronted with the mechanics of nature, text can be paramount; to declare scapegoats, to atone acts of ill-will. With lines lush but not overgrown you ask, how many souls to a body? Converts are okay, but beware of the fanatics. Here we are ‘at the end of movies / at the end of books / at the end'” Eric Amling


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