Shearsman Books, paperback
Publication Date: March 12, 2024
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“Indelible and deeply resonant, Linda Black’sInteriordemonstrates a poet at the peak of their powers. This collection constitutes a wondrous neo-Cartesian studio evoking anars poeticathat emphasizes language as both trace and palimpsest. Here, Black explores the intersections of writing, desire and creativity in marvellously fragmented and Frankensteinian ways. In haunting poems, the poet-artist is resur-rected as defamiliarizing and uncanny: ‘I rest / my hand outside / myself & draw’.Interiorgives priority to improvisation andbricolage, and a questioning semiotics, as it lightly and powerfully sketches the body’s relationship to the world. Black employs compelling dualisms to engage with both the breakdown and articulacy of an utterly contemporary language fully attuned to the ineffable: ‘In my heart my two loves merge. This is all I can tell you.'”-Cassandra Atherton
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