Foreword by Leah Souffrant. Nightboat Books (paperback, 02/04/2020)
*New & Noteworthy:In Praise of Fragments(Nightboat), completed inthe final year ofMeena Alexander‘s life, brings together four long sequences: poems on Venetian Jewish poet Sarra Copia Sullam (1592-1641);lyric essays on Venice;memoiristic vignettes exploring Alexander’s family history in Kerala;and poems about hertime in Hyderabad. Accompanying the writings are a series of sumidrawings by Alexander and an afterword by Leah Souffrant. The poet traces a journey through multigenerational and international landscapes, scouring the fragments of memory, finding refuge in the senses, and solidifying a deep relationship with desires disparate objects. Wanting to ask about mourning the death of her grandmother, she resists, and writes instead, A funny sound came from my throat. / I felt I had swallowed a bird that couldnt fly. Meena Alexander’sposthumous collection soars.
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