Barrow Street, paperback
Published: January 1st, 2006
Publisher Marketing: Stan Sanvel Rubin lives in Port Townsend on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington. He has published two previous full-length collections, Midnight and Five Colors, and his poetry has appeared in such magazines as the Georgia Review, Kenyon Review, Chelsea, and Beloit Poetry Journal, among many others. He is the founding director of the Rainier Writing Workshop low-residency MFA Program at Pacific Lutheran University. “‘The man who shoots/at another man has forgotten/what the student who sits all day/is trying to remember.’ Will someone please place this book on the steps of the White House? The poems of Stan Sanvel Rubin move with unobtrusive delicacy and deep grace through the mysteries of time and being. He’s a wise guide, rich with luminous beckonings, unflinching in the face of complexity. One feels more peaceful, reading these fine, compelling poems”-Naomi Shihab Nye.
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