The Bright Red Horseand the Blueby Katy Lederer (Atelos, paperback)
Publication Date: June 30, 2017
Publisher Marketing:Poetry. A collection twenty years in the making, THE BRIGHT RED HORSEAND THE BLUE is a meditation on longing, love, and heart break as they manifest in lyric form. A series of thirty-one unusually sculptural pieces, the poems are, by turns, seductive, ecstatic, unyielding, and resigned. As a subject, the poems’ speaker is both fulsome and bereft, searching, through the penetrating vision of her lines, for the relief of an unsustainable devotion. While formally efficient, the series is emotionally profligate, and the reader is left by the end of the collection with the knowledge that the speaker has been irrevocably transformed. Accompanied by an Afterword elucidating the unusual process by which the series came to be, THE BRIGHT RED HORSEAND THE BLUE reproduces like no other book the tender discipline of heartbreak.
“In THE BRIGHT RED HORSEAND THE BLUE Katy Lederer invites us to an intimate encounter with the lyric, to ‘enter it / Directly’ and to ‘work it out / Our own way.’ And though spare of image, it’s its rhythm that strikes the visual cortex. I’d like to read this book in a desert I’ve never been to.”Sara Nicholson
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