Poetry Northwest Editions,paperback
Publication Date: November 1, 2020
Publisher Marketing: In Theorem, a collaboration by poet Elizabeth Bradfield and artist Antonia Contro, spare images, distilled text, and the resonant space between investigate the legacy of secrets acquired in childhood and held through a life. Part visual interrogation of shapes and forms, part lyrical bewilderment at the interface of memory and geometry, Theorem charts a luminous path of self-discovery that unsettles and upends. Theorem‘s collaboration opens possibilities beyond the simple life-changing epiphany. As John Yau writes, “The revelation is not in arriving at a destination but in beginning to map the journey, as well as in recognizing that one’s perspective of past events changes as time goes by. This is the enigma of being alive and alert. This is what Theorem offers the willing reader—a place to return to in order to set out again and see what has changed.” Using tropes drawn from math and science in both text and images, Theorem grapples again and again with how to find certainty and clarity within the chaos of lived experience.
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